Why Gratitude Matters in Marketing

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and for many of us this time of year is a beautiful mesh of cooler temperatures, stunning foliage and our ongoing obsession with anything pumpkin.

As we continue to build the brands we work for, or better yet, your own personal brand, there is an aura of thankfulness that can separate you from the pack. Bust out a pen, paper and…wait for it…stamp! Get back to basics this holiday season with three acts of gratitude that clients will remember.

1)    Handwritten Thank You Cards WITH a Personalized Message – Set aside ten minutes a day for one week and have a goal to write two thank you cards each day for 10 total (10 cards usually come in a pack).  Take some time and cite something specific that you are thankful for (using your agency for the new branding campaign, hiring you for freelance copy work on a client’s website, etc.). The last line of your ‘Thank You’ card should reflect something authentic & heartfelt or humorous. Show your creativity or heart, whatever you’re more comfortable with!

2)    Share The Love – Not a sappy thank you card kind of guy or girl? No problem. Use the millennial method of reaching out and tag and share! If your client just reached a milestone give ‘em a shout on Twitter or Facebook. HINT: Include a picture too. With Facebook and Twitter a solid picture can make your post stick out…almost like a moving comic book. Below is an example.

Congrats to @ABCompany on their new XYZ campaign! (Bitly link to press release or website).


3)    Make A Donation In Their Name – This could really be anything… you could do a little digging and find out your company’s charity of choice or you could sponsor a family in need this holiday season. The size of the donation doesn’t matter. It’s that you took the time and effort to think of someone else.

Chances are if you’re reading this you’re a marketing professional who gets to exercise creativity every day. Remember that we’re lucky to do what we do and that our creativity isn’t just driving impressions and clicks, but also has the ability to impact people.

Josh Womack is the Co-Founder of Laugh Staff, a company that uses stand-up comedians to help write wedding toasts, dating profiles and engaging content. He is also a Copywriter at Progressive Insurance. And no, he hasn’t met Flo.



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